A resource-light phrase scheme for language-portable MT

Hits: 5880
Research areas: Year: 2011
Type of Publication: In Proceedings Keywords: alignment, crf, machine learning
  • 34, 27 46
Editor: M.L. Forcada; H. Depraetere; V. Vadeghinste
Book title: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Pages: 185-192
Address: Leuven, Belgium
Organization: EAMT2011 Month: May 30-31
ISBN: 9789081486118
The present article introduces a phrase-alignment approach that involves the processing of a small bilingual corpus in order to extract suitable structural information. This is used in the PRESEMT project, whose aim is the quick development of phrase-based Machine Translation (MT) systems for new language pairs. A main bottleneck of such systems is the need to create compatible parsing schemes in the source and target languages. This bottleneck is overcome by combining two modules, the Phrase aligner module and the Phrasing model generator, both of them being based on pattern recognition principles.
JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT: TambouratzisEtAl_EAMT2011.pdf